For Evolving Experts Ready to Receive Deep Support and Heal Their Way to a Business of Enjoyment, Fulfillment & Financial Peace
You don’t need more advice on the “right” way to do things.
You need support to get clear on what feels right for you.
Yes, Lisa is an expert in marketing and sales, and leveraging and scaling your business, but chances are the problem you think is all about marketing, and selling, and scaling your business FIRST requires you to GFR about something in order to have a breakthrough in that area.
When you enter the UnMentoring world you will get real about:
- why you are not putting yourself out there in a bigger way.
- what’s not working for you anymore.
- the old shit that is still getting in your way.
- what holds you back from taking a stand and saying the things you know you’re supposed to be saying.

Lisa sees a direct relationship between the level of willingness to get real (confess) and the level of results created.
She also knows you don’t need another system, blueprint, or formula to learn. UnMentoring is about removing what’s not working and remembering what a badass expert you are so you can rebuild trust in yourself and Spirit (Higher Self, Universe, whatever you call it!). This makes you an Evolving Expert, someone whose lessons and healing fuels their mission.
The UnMentor™ vantage point is holistic, not just related to your business. Issues addressed will include your family and business relationships, your life partner(s), your body, your home, your kids, your sexuality, your day job, your commitments, your obligations, your value … any part of your story that may be out of alignment.
It all impacts your mission.
You will get real AND you will get clarity on what the F to do next!
There may be tears and there will definitely be lots of laughing. There will also be concrete action to take (not always easy) that will create breakthroughs and flow. It’s these actions that will create the results you say you want.
And it’s these actions that may illuminate resistance, wounding or fear. GREAT! This can be rocket fuel for an Evolving Expert who has the right support to immediately learn from it, use it to fuel their confidence and get results.
This will get you out there doing what you are meant to be doing MUCH FASTER so you are not one of those people who gets to the end of their life (which could be tomorrow, by the way) and says shit like, “I wish I had the courage to do what I really wanted to do and didn’t care so much about what others thought.”
Life without regrets.
Life fulfilled.
Legacy made.

WHAT does the UnMentoring program include?

1:1 Coaching Sessions with Lisa

Daily 1:1 Walkie Talkie Access to Lisa

Unlimited Feedback on marketing, events & programs you create

Occasional ½ Day Virtual Retreats

Small Group UnMentoring & Masterminding with POD Family

Daily Group Support through online app

DURATION: 13 Months

GROUP SIZE: 8 or less

RESOURCES: Access to ALL of Lisa’s training & templates for marketing, selling & speaking
WHEN is UnMentoring with Lisa available?
Currently there are 3 UnMentor PODs or as Lisa likes to call them, “UnMentor POD Families,” as the members tend to connect quickly and deeply due to the fierce commitment to their evolution.
Each group (8 members or less) starts at different times of the year. Most members choose to stay in their POD for more than one year, so this limits the available openings. These 24 spots are the only clients Lisa works with one-on one at any given time. Generally, there are a few openings available with start dates within 2-3 months. It’s best to apply and have a conversation with Lisa as a first step then she can let you know the next available start date.
Are You An Evolving Expert Ready for UnMentoring?
Below are the 12 UnMentoring Milestones. If you find you no longer resonate with the “Old Mentoring Habits” column on the left then you are likely a fit and may want to proceed to a conversation with Lisa.

First, let’s start with a quickie assessment. You should be saying YES to all of the following if you are a fit for working with Lisa right now:
- I am ready to have a frank conversation about my business and get fucking real about what is holding me back.
- I am willing to consider investing in myself again. (Even though it’s scary or I’ve made other investments that haven’t “paid off” yet.)
- I am a self-aware person and am first to call myself out when my thinking is getting in my way.
If you said yes to all of these, apply for an UnMentor Interview below. The more you are willing to GFR, the more she can help … even if it winds up to be just this one conversation.
Lisa will personally review your assessment and if she thinks you may be a match, she will contact you soon to set up a personal interview. If you are not a match right now for UnMentorship, she will suggest some actions to take instead.
Working with Lisa may NOT be a fit for you if:
- You are willing to wait to have a business you love.
- If you are not willing to continue to invest in yourself and your mission.
- You are not coachable, an action taker, self-aware or do not appreciate straight talk.
If this is not for you, that’s perfectly okay. Not everyone is ready to trust themselves over trusting another mentor.
However, if you resonate with the UnMentor Milestones and feel in your gut Lisa is the partner you need to evolve yourself and your business, then take the time to fill out the application now.
Lisa looks forward to talking with you. Fill this out as real and raw as you are willing to be so at least you will walk away from the conversation knowing you put it all on the table.

Evolving Experts in the UnMentor season do not need more advice on the “right” way to do things. They need support to get clear on what feels right for them.
If you no longer resonate with “Old Mentoring Habits,” you need UnMentor to grow.
Rate each UnMentoring Milestone on a scale of 1-5 (5 means “I’m solid on this”). Choose 1 that most speaks to your current struggle. Getting solid on this one will likely shift the others.
To dive deeper, see the correlated GFR Confession Question – noted in each Milestone box – GFR.life/12C